Health Ministries, under Lea's leadership, is not only about assisting our members with living healthier, happier lives; it is also about reaching out to the surrounding community.
From demonstrating healthy principles at our Sabbath fellowship meals to offering seminars medically sound seminars, we want to provide lots of ways for people to lead healthy and happy lives. Lectures by local and guest physicians, seminars on Depression Recovery, Addictions, Cooking Schools, Organic Gardening, Stress Resolution, Smoking Cessation and even Health Screens at the Creston Fall Fair, have all been conducted in the past. Many of these are offered throughout the year and, of course, the CHIP program, described above, is a part of this overall ministry of health and wellness.
To see the monthly health features written for Crawford Bay, Boswell, Penticton, Creston and Abbotsford areas, click on NEWS on this website's HOME page. They will be found under LOCAL NEWS. North American and World Adventist news will follow. The health articles are written by Sid Kettner, MD, Creston and Gray Creek, a graduate of Loma Linda University's School of Medicine.